Our service engineers are trained by the manufacturers and qualified to perform periodic inspections, servicing and maintenance of ship's Liferafts and Liferafts for pleasure craft / Liferafts for recreation boat in full compliance with SOLAS Regulations. Our Service Station provides a supply of original spare parts. Liferafts are serviced according to the manufacturer's requirements. To ensure strict adherence to the latest manufacturer's requirements, our engineers regularly attend training programs and refresh courses.
JAMBO Ltd. is approved by the following manufacturers for SOLAS and Leisure Liferafts.
- CSM Shanghai Star Rubber Products
- Shanghai Youlong Rubber Products
- Seasafe Inflatable Liferafts
- Eurosafe
- Zodiac
- Bombard
- Avon
- Alpha Ocean
- 4W for Water
Our Liferaft Service Station is approved for inspection, survey and maintenance of inflatable liferafts from following Class societies:
- Lloyds Register of Shipping (LR)
- Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Registro Italiano Navale (RINA).